Moo0 FileShredder is a system security tool for Windows. It can delete files so that they are unrecoverable by any means. Usually when you delete a file, only the logical link to the file is deleted, so the file is still recoverable using file recovery tools. Moo0 FileShredder is one of many applications that safely erases files. This particular one uses a dropbox so that you can drag and drop files to it. Once you drop a file on the graphical user interface, you can decide how to dispose of the file. There are four deletion methods available. They vary in the security that they offer. The most basic method shreds the file once, and that is often enough to make sure nobody will ever be able to recover it. But the most advanced methods take a couple of steps farther and make sure (for sure) that the file is gone. For example, the most secure setting overwrites all the file's data using two different approaches 35 times. It then changes the file size 20 times, its name 20 times, its file attribute another 20 times, and then it changes the file stamp 20 times. That is as secure as it is going to get. If you choose the detailed GUI, the application tells you exactly what it is that it is doing. If not, you simply choose the method and delete your file. It works the same both ways, though.